Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Summer's Almost Gone

While looking out my kitchen window, I noticed this little bumblebee struggling upside down in a puddle of water. I turned it over with a leaf and then watched as it walked a little ways to face the sun and dry out.

It must be near the end of its life cycle as I think they only live some two to three months. This one seemed a bit battle worn, as it posed patiently for its portrait. The macro mode really allows us to see what would never be seen normally. These insects display a complex level of detail.

This little worker has done an amazing job on behalf of its young, its community and the environment. It is a little sad to watch it all come to a close.

Its work, however, will ensure the future. Can we say that about ourselves?

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic photograph!
    Perhaps it could be submitted for competition or publishing?
    I'm impressed...
