Sunday, September 27, 2009

Create Destroy Create

For a variety of reasons, the luxury of having time in the studio has been a bit sparse lately. At times, I have to fight the urge to force results to make up for lost time, a futile and counterproductive enterprise. I need to remind myself to allow the evolution of a work, as it has a life of its own, a time to be born, that is, if I am fortunate enough.

More often than not, the creative process also entails a good deal of destruction, with the careful laying of paint followed by an equally careful process of removal, followed by reassessment.

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to complete another work. Who is to say?


  1. Remember it is the journey not always the end result :) Sometimes we need a break, just leave the project and then revisit it another day rather than take it apart at the time. Other times it is helpful to set a timer and give yourself permission to work only a set amount of time, walk away and not feel guilty about your progess or lack thereof.

    This site shows how productive and creative you have been!!! Don't be so hard on yourself.

  2. Marie,
    You are so right. Thank you for your kind words!

  3. Love the photo of you in studio...
    Keep going into the workspace; the art will take care of itself.
    You're there; you'll succeed.

  4. Hello :) I saw your link on DJ's blog and came to check out yours! Glad I did :)

    > need to remind myself to allow the evolution of a work, as it has a life of its own, a time to be born <

    Wow. You are sooo right here. You've said it so beautifully. I think I'll cut and paste that to remind me of the concept when I need it!


  5. Wendy,

    Glad you stopped by. I visited your site. Some very imaginative work there!

