Monday, August 31, 2009

L'heure Bleue

The Blue Hour, reflections (yes, they are everywhere), and the consequent bliss.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Analog Man, Digital Woman

What an age we live in.

I love the way I can digitally capture an image, say, of an oil painting as shown above, entitled "Closeup 02, Porcelain Redhead", which, point of information, measures 12" x 48", and then quite easily manipulate the image to my liking, as shown in one iteration, below.

To me, this is shear fun, all over again.

World, are you listening? Stop all the mayhem, and go for the fun. You heard it here first, fun is sustainable.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sign Post and Surprise

Time and again, I am full of surprise and wonder when I see one of my works, sometimes older, sometimes newer, and I am reminded that, yes, I really did paint, or draw, or sculpt that.

I tend to rotate works around my house periodically and sometimes a work will end up in storage and out of sight for a while. The image may go out of my peripheral consciousness. When I see the work again, I have to look at it and imagine myself in the creative process. I remember the order of its creation, the drawing of a line, the rendering of a mass.

For a moment, I relive its birth and feel the joy all over again.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Place To Be

A place to clear my head, that is, on the summit of Mount Pemetic. Everything that you need is there, sun, views, natural sculpture, blueberries. It is the doing, being, doing experience.

Just bring your own water.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Is a Dead Tree Really Dead?


At the time that the tree stops functioning as a living, growing organism, as we normally think about it, it takes on a new life, a phantom, as host to the bugs, bacteria, bats and birds. As storehouse, condo, and insulator, it also continues to provide a measure of shade and wind protection. The tree takes on a magnificent sculptural appearance and patina as it points heavenward only to be brought down, ever so gradually, to nourish and renew the next generation. We could learn a lot from trees.

If “man is a tree of the field”, might not we have this sort of legacy or afterglow of purpose and poise?

Yes, and it is all by design.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


There are satisfying and rich rewards to be rendered in the tasteful interplay of positive and negative space, that is, the interplay of light and dark, a concept known to the Japanese as "notan." This is a concept that is equally applicable to photography, painting, sculpture, typography, food preparation, and, well let's just say that we are limited only by our imagination.

The key is to observe the magic, and have fun with it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Peace Rock

The Peace Rock has been found! The location? Mount Desert Island, Maine.