Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Da Fu Wong

As my Chinese friends like to call me Da Fu Wong, which translates as Big Old Rich Guy, above is my name as written in Chinese.

Of the three characters, the left character means big (like a big man holding his arms out), the middle character is a large house sitting on a farm (you're rich), and the right character is, I think, a bunch of birds sitting around (wise old guy).

What a rich fascinating language!

Self Portrait

It's all in the point of view, in this case, on the street looking up at a cantilevered architectural overhang at the Seattle Public Library, a building like none other that I know.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Variety, repetition, interplay of positive and negate space (notan). Yeah, that does it!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Was,What Is

Sometimes I long for this place, but it doesn't even exist anymore.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The visual interest inherent in the tasteful juxtaposition of contrasting materials.

Artist Unknown

The artistry of the stone wall.