Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fine Line

Sometimes, there is a fine line between what is beautiful and what is ugly, as is the case, in my view, of these cranes peppering the landscape in the Seattle, Washington harbor.  The form of the crane is at once graceful, with an animal-like sense of beauty, and imposing on, and disruptive to the formerly pristine land/seascape.  Well, there is no going back, at least, for now.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

From The Digital Sketchbook

Digital sketch of the day.  Just having some fun here, and exploring relationships of color and weight.  The result, a visual poem of sorts spoken with fields of color, and not with words.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Rachmeal's Fire

Rachmeal's Fire, the latest effort in the digital collaboration with Dr. Ju.

Made His Mark

For your viewing pleasure, shown, a couple of Rothkos on display at Yale University Art Gallery.  Worth the trip to see these works and others in person?  Oh yes.