Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fun With Closeup 05

Now that the paint has dried on this 12" x 48" oil painting, I think it's time to have some digital fun.
Yeah, that's satisfying.


  1. Hey Rich, I love your sense of the importance and rejuvenating powers inherent in creativity and allowing it in or back in. I recently somehow got tapped back in to play with a variety of arts, including music, writing and cartoon making! These have provided something very meaningful to my days and given me a source of energy in other parts of my life/day. Love the Chinese architecture, and swordsman. Loved the artist at work and particularly, his new work! New influences integrating and intefgrated. How big is the portrait of the Chinese man? Keep up good works! DB

  2. The joy you find in your work shines through!
